Apply for the Spanish NIE number in Alicante could be a nightmare if you don’t know the language. Here in Advisors Costa Blanca, we will explain to you how to obtain your NIE certificate in Spain step by step, we wrote this complete guide for you.
You need to know that the NIE application process and requirements could be different in every town hall and foreign office. In this post, we will talk about the process in Alicante, Orihuela Costa and Torrevieja. If you have a question about other areas as Murcia or other regions, please contact us and we will help you.
It doesn’t matter if you have European passport o non-EU passport the process will be the same. All foreigners will get the same NIE certificate, see the picture below. The NIE numbers in Spain last forever, it is valid indefinitely.

Application process: Spanish NIE number in Alicante
In the Alicante province, we have several immigration offices, you can click the link and see your nearest police station. The official website is in Spanish, if you need help or you don’t find your nearest immigration office, please contact us.
There are small cities that don’t have an immigration office, in these cases you must go to the nearest one.
Step 1: Make the NIE appointment ONLINE
To book the NIE appointment online you will need to go to the Spanish official website “NIE Cita previa”. Note: everything will be done in Spanish.
- In “PROVINCIAS DISPONIBLE” Choose your city.
- Click “Aceptar”
- Click Aceptar
- Choose “PASAPORTE” and fill your information. You must complete all the information correctly.
- “Nombre y apellidos” = Name and Surename
- “Año de nacimeinto” = date of birth
- “País de nacionalidad” = Nationality
- Click “Aceptar”
- Click “Solicitar Cita”
It isn’t easy to book an appointment in Alicante or Murcia city. In some areas, the electronic system to book appointments can be open just once a week. You need to book your NIE “Cita Previa” Appointment at the Police Station nearest your town on the dates you are available.
Of course, we have years of experience getting the NIE number appointment online in Alicante and Murcia, for us is much easier to book an appointment. If you need help with the process, we can help you to get the appointment for the Spanish NIE number in Alicante or another region. In some areas, we can book it the same week or for one day to another.
Step 2: Complete the NIE application from (Ex-15 NIE)

You will need two copies of the Ex – 15 NIE application form. These copies must be correctly completed but NOT SIGNED, as you will need to sign in the presence of police officer. That is because they need to see that this is your legal signature. You can see here ex- 15 NIE application form English version. You must complete the Spanish version, the English version is just to help you.
The name in spanish of this form is “Solicitud de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) y Certificados”.
In some police stations will ask you the reason why you are requering the NIE certificate. That is the reason why we always recommend you to go with someone who speaks Spanish. Otherwise, you can lose your appointment, time and money.
Step 3: Prepare all the documentation needed
The paperwork that you will need to bring with you to the NIE appointment depends on the city and the police station that you are applying in. It varies radically from province to province. But, the following documents are always required:
- NIE application form (2 copies).
- Original passport (1copy).
- Three photos (passport size).
- There is an NIE fee (Modelo 790 NIE number). It must be paid at the bank before the appointment.
- Depending on the police station you may need to prove where do you live legally (Padrón).
The documents needed depend on every city and police officers. We have been helping clients with their NIE number and Spanish Residence in Alicante and Murcia since 2015. If you need help, please contact us.
Step 4: Keep calm and wait for your Spanish NIE number
Many offices recives hundruds of people every day, and in some ocation you need to wait a long time for your turn.
After submitting the application form, they will give you a certificate as you have applied and everything is correct (please save it). They will inform you when it will be ready, and you must go back to pick it up, you will need to show them this certificate.
Once you pick up your Spanish NIE number in Alicante or any province in Spain, please be sure that you save it. This number is valid forever, it never changes. If you lose it, you must renew it doing the whole process from the beginning.
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