European Vaccination Digital Certificate, obtain it?

Today the world continues to grapple with one of the deadliest pandemics in its history, “Covid-19″. Despite so many deaths, vaccines have been created to stop the virus and help slow its spread and prevent more deaths. That’s is why Europe has created the European Digital Vaccination Certificate.

In Europe, many member countries have already vaccinated the vast majority of their population, which brings several benefits to the citizens of this continent.

Being vaccinated against Covid-19 brings many benefits to Europeans. First of all, you must obtain a digital European vaccination certificate to enjoy those benefits. This certificate entitles you to a long list of activities that normally enjoyed before the coronavirus spread.

The European digital vaccination certificate and the European COVID Digital Certificate, are recognized within the European Union by all member states. This will allow citizens of any country of this continent to move more safely and efficiently.


How to obtain the European COVID Digital Certificate?

The certificate is completely free and automatic. The way to obtain it always depends on each member state since they have different ways to provide it. There are three ways to obtain the certificate:

  • If you are vaccinated.
  • If you have a negative PCR test.
  • If you prove that, you have had Covid-19 and have immunity to it.

The certificate has a QR format and can be obtained from a mobile device. The certificate is available in English and Spanish. The certificate is effective as of July 1 and is valid for one year. Thanks to this, European citizens can enjoy travel and activities that used to be restricted before the vaccines were introduced.

It should be noted that the certificate allows you to travel in any country of the European Union but it does not guarantee that it will be valid outside this continent.

The certificate can be obtained electronically and through laboratories, and private centres where they are performed, as long as they are adhered to the EU COVID Digital Certificate system, and have been authorized by the Regional Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health.


How to obtain the EU Vaccination Certificate in the Valencia Community?

To download the vaccination certificate in the Valencia Community, you have to access this link “Download the EU vaccination certificate in the Valencia Community”-

  1. Introduce your SIP number 
  2. Date of birth
  3. Date of issue of SIP Card
  4. Security code on the screen
  5. Click “Validar” Validate

You will receive a code on your phone number.

What happens if I don’t have a phone number registered or it is wrong?

If you don’t receive the code on your phone because it is not registered or you have changed your phone number, you will change the phone number in the social security database.

How to change your phone number in social security?

For this, you have two options.

  1. Using your Digital Certificate: You can do it at this link: Change your phone number or email for communications in social security. The process will only take few minutes.
  2. In your Medical Centre: You need to go to your nearest medical centre to change your phone information on the system.

What data does the European Vaccination Digital Certificate provide?

This certificate not only proves that you are protected against Covid-19 but also shows all your data so that you can move safely and independently in any country of the member states of the European Union. Some of the most important data displayed on the certificate are:

  • Name and surname.
  • Date of issue.
  • Date of birth.
  • A personalized and unique identifier.
  • Information and everything related to the vaccination, the test performed, and the recovery.

It should be noted that, by possessing the digital European vaccination certificate, you will not have to undergo further PCR tests or enter quarantine when travelling within any country of the member states. All member states accept the certificate. Science is advancing and with it the recovery of the normality that mankind used to enjoy.

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