ACB Service Prices

All our service prices to help you in Spain and avoid the Spanish bureaucracy. Please contact us before paying for a service if you have any question about any of these services.

Extranjería (Forange Office)

NIE Number

NIE (número de identificación de extranjeros) which translates as “Identification number for foreigners non-residents”. It is an A4 size white page that comes with your personal information. This number starts with the letter X or Y, followed by seven numbers and with a letter in the end (example X0000000–A). The NIE number is unique for every person and it never changes.

This service includes:

  • Booking the NIE appointment
  • Complete the paperwork and EX-15 Form
  • Paying the NIE taxes 790 tax form
  • Go with you to the Police Station (Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa)

121 €

One person

Residency (Green Card for Europeans)

This is a Residency card permit for European Union citizens (plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland). To stay longer than 90 days or 181 days per year in Spain.

This service includes:

  • Booking the Residency appointment
  • Complete the paperwork and EX-18 Form
  • Paying the Residency taxes 790 tax form
  • Go with you to the Police Station (Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa)

160 €

One person

T.I.E. (U.K. citizens and Family members)

This is a Residency card permit for U.K. citizens and Family members to stay longer than 90 days or 181 days per year in Spain.

This service includes:

  • Prepare all the paperwork
  • Make the presentation online
  • Booking the TIE appointment (fingerprints)
  • Complete the paperwork and EX-23 Form
  • Complete the Residency taxes 790 tax form

220 €

One person


This is a Residency card permit for U.K. citizens and Family members to stay longer than 90 days or 181 days per year in Spain.

This service includes:

  • Prepare all the paperwork
  • Make the presentation online
  • Booking the TIE appointment (fingerprints)
  • Complete the paperwork and EX-23 Form
  • Complete the Residency taxes 790 tax form

220 €

One person

House Purchase

Mortgage De-Registration

This is something owners realize once they want to sell their home.

When entering into a mortgage, you give the lender the right of a mortgage on your home. This is security for the lender. More specifically, this means that if you don’t pay the interest rate or the repayment, the lender can sell the property.

You can’t sell the property if you still have the Mortgage registration, this is why you need to de-register it.


150 €

Two persons

Property purchase and sale process

If you are coming to Spain in search of a property to buy, our knowledge of the local housing market can save you time and energy
We are not a real estate agent, but we can recommend you some goods in the area.

We are expert in do the whole conveyancing process on your behalf and pay the least possible taxes.

We have from simple service to full-range service. Contact us to get a quotation now according to your needs.

Habitation Certificate / Second Ocupation Licence

The habitation certificate, also called licence first or second occupation. Is a document that verifies that the house meets the minimum habitability conditions.

The document is issued by the council of each locality. To achieve this, you need a technical report of a professional architect or engineer, depending on the autonomous community, corroborating that your home complies with the regulations.

Excluded: TownHall tax



Non Resident Tax

Do you have a property in Spain but live less than 6 months in the country per year? Then you need to pay non-resident tax. And failing to do so can have important penalties. You have to present it once a year, if you don’t rent out your property.


45 €

Per owner


Driving Licence change (canje)

Once you become a Spanish Resident, you have to change your home country licence per the Spanish Driving Licence.

This service includes:

  • Prepare all the paperwork
  • Go on your behalf to tráfico
  • Pay the Tráfico taxes
  • Collect your Provisional Licence in tráfico

Excluded: Psicotéctino (medical test)


160 €

One person

300 €

Two persons

Transfer of Car Ownership

When you buy or sell a car in Spain you have to notify tráfico to avoid future fine problems.

This service includes:

  • Prepare all the paperwork
  • Prepare the Purchase car contract
  • Go on your behalf to tráfico
  • Pay the Tráfico taxes
  • New logbook

The tráfico taxes to be paid in this service depends on your vehicle, contact us to give you a quotation.


Matriculation of Vehicle

All foreign vehicles must be re matriculated to Spanish plates within 30 days of importation.

This service includes:

  • Prepare all the paperwork
  • Go on your behalf to tráfico
  • Pay the Tráfico taxes
  • 2 Spanish car plate

The tráfico taxes to be paid in this service depends on your vehicle, contact us to give you a quotation.

Excluded: MOT/ITV


Vehicle De-registration

If you are not going to use a vehicle for a long time, you can request it temporary  cancellation and save costs. In the event that we are at the end of the useful life of the vehicle, we must proceed to permanently cancel it.

This service includes:

  • Baja of the vehicle 


90 €

Car Debt Check

Before buying a car in Spain, be sure that it doesn’t have any debt to avoid futures problems.

This service includes:

  • Get the car certificate to know all the problems could the car has


20 €

Per car

Medical Card

SIP Card – Medical Card

A SIP card is a personal and non-transferable card that allows you to access the Spanish Healthcare System (NHS). Holders of the SIP card are entitled to receive the same care as Spanish nationals.

This service is only for Spanish Residents, and have to meet one of the following requirements:

  1. Pensioners and family members with an S1 or E121 form
  2. Workers and Family member
  3. Permanent residents (before 2012)
  4. Spanish Residents (more than 1 year) paying monthly to social security (Convenio Especial)

This service includes:

  • Make the application in social security
  • Booking an appointment in social security, if it is necessary


60,5 €

One person

108,9 €

Two persons

Tourist Licence

Tourist Licence Spain

If y you want to rent out short term your property in the Valencia Comunity, Murcia, Andalucía or almost all Spains, you will need to get a rental tourist licence. 

In Advisors Costa Blanca, we will help you to get your Tourist licence in Spain and explain to you the tax payable on rental income in Spain.

The process is different in every city, contact us to get the quotation.

Public Notary Spain

Spanish Wills and Testaments

All adults should make a Spanish will (Testamento), irrespective of how large or small their assets (each spouse should make a separate will).

This service includes:

  • Prepare your Spanish Will
  • Make the Notary appointment
  • Going with you to the notary to translate

Excluded: Notary fees

60 €

One person

100 €

Two persons

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney (POA) is a document that allows you to appoint a person or organization to manage your property, financial, or medical affairs if you become unable to do so.

This service includes:

  • Prepare your POA
  • Make the Notary appointment
  • Going with you to the notary to translate

Excluded: Notary fees

60 €

Per P.O.A.


Padron duplicate

If you need to update your Padron, we can get it online.

    This service includes:

    • Get you Padron update online (check first if we can do it in your city)
    • Booking an appointment in the Padron office, if it is necessary


    40 €

    One person

    60 €

    Two persons

    Digital Certificate

    With the digital certificate or digital signature, you can do many processes online. If you need a certificate, we can do it online on your behalf.

      This service includes:

      • Get your Digital Certificate
      • Call explanation about how to install it and how to use it
      • Explanation of how to get CLAVE digital


      48,40 €

      One person